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cisco ccie training in the news
Cisco NetPro “Ask The Expert” - CCIE Voice Running Through 6/13/2008
Mon, 02 Jun 2008 11:38:25 +0000
The Cisco NetPro forum is running a new “Ask The Expert” for the CCIE program, this time for the voice track…
“Welcome to the Cisco Networking Professionals Ask the Expert conversation. This is an opportunity to get an update on CCIE Voice Certification with Cisco expert Ben Ng. Ben is a program manager with the CCIE ...]
IEWB-DYN Lab 5 - BGP Highlights
Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:34:17 +0000
Again, nothing too tricky on the BGP section (this is a lab rated 6!), quite a few peerings to confi
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BlogCatalog Goes Totally Social And Absolutely Viral
Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:07:51 +0000
We had a member-driven idea. And we think you’ll love it.
What would happen if your newest post was Dugg and all your friends at BlogCatalog knew about it? And then what would happen if they Dugg it too, letting all of their friends know it. That would be pretty powerful, right?
In the next couple of ...]
CCIE R&S Syllabus, Part 2
Tue, 03 Jun 2008 17:58:58 +0000
This article is a follow up to CCIE R&S Syllabus, Part 1…
Q: I’ve made up my mind to pursue CCIE certification. Now what?
A: Making up your mind is indeed the first step. If you are half-hearted, making progress will be difficult. There is a lot of material to cover; if you aren’t ...]
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