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News about cisco cbt
Our Team at NetMasterClass wants to wish you happy holidays!
Tue, 25 Dec 2007 00:12:02 +0000
Looking into 2008 we expect to see a lot of our students and partners to happily archive their goals. We would always do our best to help you on your path.
5 IT skills that won't boost your salary 1,407]
This is In response to the comment posted:
The ACL has no direct relation to the CBAC firewall, it is there to prevent traffic coming into your network from the outside, the inspection rule is there to inspect traffic going out from your network. if the ACL was not there the traffic would have been inspected but still people would able to go into your network. so if you want to block traffic you must have ACL but if you inspect traffic then even if there is a deny statement on the outside interface traffic is allowed to return. so the short answer CBAC is not inspecting the ACL, CBAC is inspecting what you tell him on the inspection rule.
Keep Conference in CME
Sun, 16 Jul 2006 23:05:53 +0000
By default if conference initiator hangs up the call, the conference is terminated.
To keep the conference parties connected when the conference initator leaves, configure under the ephone “keep-conference“. When the initiator hangsup the remaining parties stay connected. If he uses the end-call soft key, the conference is terminated.
To keep the conference parties connected when the ...]
Voice2: SIP Voice Gateway
Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:48:59 +0000
Úgy néz ki mostanában csak Voice-al kell foglalkoznom. Sajnos ez a terület elég új nekem de már a CCVP slide-jait nézegetem:) A mai feladat az volt, hogy egy Cisco 2851-es router SIP hívásokat fogadjon, és 4 darab E1-es trönkön küldje tovább azokat egy Avaya alközpontnak. Ez 120 hívást jelent, és g729 esetén 240 DSP-re van ...]
CCIE blogok, meg minden
Tue, 27 May 2008 23:11:22 +0000
Itt egy oldal, ahol összegyűjtötték a CCIE blogokat. Az enyém is ott van, ez tök zsír
Találtam egy CCIE Voice-os blogot is, hozzáadtam a blogroll-hoz. A google statisztikákat megnézve, elég sokan nézik az oldalt külföldről, szóval lehet hogy angolra kellene váltani a nyelvet. Sajnos én nagyon jól megértem az angolt, de ha írni kell, ...]
We worked hard to come upon this respectable composition on cisco cbt. Don't let these efforts go to vain; use it wisely.
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