The Best ccie security lab workbook v4 Articles
Current ccie security lab workbook v4 News
The three main Network Topologies and how they can work for you
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 20:41:42 +0000
Studying for the Cisco CCNA or CCENT? You will certainly run across networking topology questions. Here’s a quick review:
First of all let’s define what a topology is- Simply put, a topology is the layout of a network. There are really three basic types of topologies. They are Star, Bus, and Ring. Let me explain them ...]
MPLS - The basics explained and demonstrated
Fri, 29 Aug 2008 04:36:05 +0000
I mentioned in an earlier post that I was attempting to conquer MPLS via a book called “MPLS-Enabled Applications”. This was a pretty big mistake. By the 10th page I realized that this book is not at all for MPLS noobs. At that point I stopped wasting my time and started plunking away at IE’s ...]
H323 template
Wed, 05 Jul 2006 20:51:04 +0000
1. voice class codec, g711 as first preference and g729 second
2. voice class h323 with timeout 3
3. dial-peer to match incoming call leg
4. two dial-peers to send calls to CCM. enable no vad on these dial-peers and also dtmf-relay
5. 4 outgoing dial-peers for 911, local, long and international
6. enable qos for signaling
voice class codec 1
codec ...]
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